For many individuals, quality training is out of reach for the worst possible reason: money.

As it is our mission to help each other find better ways, we share our knowledge and training materials in Miro under a share-alike license.

To make it use both fair and manageble, no claims or demands can be made for the use of these materials and we also offer no support.

We trust that these materials will be used by the community with a similar level of care and respect that has gone into creating and sharing it.

The Miro Boards (.rtb) can be downloaded for free, but it can be a hassle to migrate.
Alternatively we can offer you access (seat) to our Miro workspace at a yearly Miro subscription of €250,- to cover for the Miro seat licence fee, access to all modules, and setup. You can get your seat here.

We're aiming to do honest business together, so if you are instead looking for commercial use and professional support and guidance, please reach out.


Access, license and download instructions are provided per expedition (module):

- Basecamp

- Agile Backpacking

- Game of Scrum

New editions are released monthly, so stay tuned.

Up next: Kung-Fu Kanban.